Friday, April 3, 2020

The Father of theKid Should Not Be Worried When His Son Moves to Town

The Father of theKid Should Not Be Worried When His Son Moves to TownThe father of the kid is getting worried when his son moves to town for the first time and is moving away from home. He is wondering how they will make it work but the only person that can solve this is the dad himself.A tutor can help in all sorts of things. It can be anything from a simple tutor for parents to tutor for your son who is moving to town.The tutor will provide all sorts of help for the boy. He will help you with the homework. He will help you when you go out. If you are having problems with school, the tutor will help you along with his help.You will be able to find any help that you need and want. The tutor can help with anything that he wants. The father can find a tutor anywhere. It can be at the local gym, in a shopping mall, or even on the internet.He can help with any aspect of his son's life. This includes anything that the father needs help with. There are plenty of services that you can get a tutor for in the local area.The father of the kid can have the support that he needs if he is experiencing any type of life changing event or for the new town that he is moving to. He can start a new business and find a mentor that he can rely on.The tutor can also help the boy learn how to navigate the city, how to deal with his classmates, and many other types of situations. Help with homework and other small problems can help him have a better life.

Monday, March 23, 2020

Learn French in France

Learn French in France Moving to France to Learn French ChaptersStudy in FranceRelocate for WorkStart a BusinessVolunteer in FranceThe French language has long called to you with its unique rhythm and melody. You bemoan the fact that your holidays in the south of France are never long enough.How keen you are to imbue yourself with the language and culture of that land!Suppose you have been taking French language courses for a year or two, and are considered intermediate. For you, that is not good enough! Fluency is what you crave!The best way to become fluent in any language, including French, is through immersion.The best way to immerse yourself in French is to live in a French-speaking country.It may seem a bit like putting the cart before the horse, moving to a country before you learn its language and customs, but think of all the people who have immigrated to our country, and are fast learning English!There are several ways to arrange a living situation in France; why don't we divulge them?Of course, we have no idea what your living situation is. Depending on your circumstances, some of these suggestions may not apply to you. Still, they might give you food for thought!Role play is a common feature of language learning in France Source: Pixabay Credit StockSnapIf you are intent on pursuing higher education in France, you may be required to sit the DELF â€" the French language competency exam, before you can matriculate.In fact, sitting DELF would be necessary if you are moving to France to work, as well!If higher education in France is not a means to an end for you â€" if you already have a university degree, you may consider taking classes that address your passion: art or music, for example.And, of course, language classes!The Centre International D'Antibes, located on the French Riviera, has been welcoming students for over 30 years.They have a proven record of language instruction, with French courses tailored specifically to young learners, teens and adults.They even offer family classes, so you and your c hildren â€" if you have any, can all learn together!If you are planning to sit the DELF, you might be interested to know that their alumni have a 97% success rate. Might you soon count yourself among that number?A quick look at their website would reveal several coupons for discounts on assorted programmes, and for accommodations.Institut Linguistique Adenet, in Montpellier, offers a similar programme.You can opt for their intensive course. In groups of no more than 10, your language teacher would drill on grammar and vocabulary particulars, giving special emphasis on pronunciation through frequent oral exercises.Or, you might prefer their standard French course.The group size doesn't change â€" instructors want the opportunity to give everyone the individual attention they need to excel.With this type of course, the emphasis is more on communication, while passively reinforcing grammar skills.If sojourning in the south of France for five months sounds like a dream come true, this m ight be the French immersion learning environment for you!Besides learning all about verbs and how to use those quirky French phrases, you will have ample time to socialise and sightsee: ILA will see to it!They routinely coordinate outings and activities for their students: prowling around town and wine tastings.In short, you will have plenty of opportunity to make new friends, speaking French all the while.Relocate for WorkPresuming that you usually communicate in English, what type of work can you do in France?The obvious answer would be: become an English teacher!Teaching English is big business in France: students learn the language as a part of their general education, and language schools do brisk trade all over the country.Naturally, such facilities teach other languages, but English language courses remain high on the list of requested lessons.You could also become a Superprof tutor, giving English lessons via Skype.In fact, you could establish your profile prior to relocati ng; that way you may have built up a client base before you even set foot in France!Your French language skills may earn you a place in your company's Paris office! Source: Pixabay Credit: RawpixelSeek a Foreign AssignmentDo you already work for a global company, or one that is looking to go international?If so, your French classes may pay off in an unexpected way!Let's say your firm is setting up an office in Lille, and is looking for someone from the home office to help staff it.“Throw me into that briar patch!” as the Americans would say.This would be an opportunity tailor-made for you! Not only would you keep your employee status but you would have assistance in getting set up in the country of your dreams!Naturally, as you settle into life in France, you would make the most of the language skills you already have, all while learning new language.One final way to achieve your goal of finding employment in France is to make a clean break: contact employers in France to find a job.Well, that's not exactly the final way...Start a BusinessFrance is most definitely open for business! So the headlines proclaim, and there is substantial evidence to prove it.According to this report by Ernst Young, it is both cheaper and easier to set up a business in France than in most other G20 countries.Perhaps the best aspect of starting your own business in France is that this country's infrastructure is light-years ahead of others, especially in the telecommunications sector.Preparation for launching your business should naturally include learning the language, especially French vocabulary as it pertains to business.Beyond that, you must:Sit the DELF Pro, or regular DELFMake sure you are properly accredited for that businessthe French government requires a specific diploma and licensing for every businessSubmit a business plan and financial forecastInasmuch as you must make projections about your business, it would help if you have been in the area for a while, talked with other French merchants who are in somewhat the same business as you hope to establish.It may even help for you to form alliances with them, so that they might advocate for you, if needed.Speaking of alliances, it wouldn't hurt for you to say bonjour to your local Alliance Française while still in the UK! In turn, they might offer up brochures wishing you bienvenue en France!, along with helpful guides to getting your business off the ground. And starting your life over, as an English expat abroad.If you like horses, you may find a homestay situation that calls for caring for animals Source: Pixabay Credit: GtwoartVolunteer in FranceIf you are more of a free spirit and just want an all-encompassing learning experience in France, perhaps you would be open to a homestay or two.We concede that not everyone with a desire to learn a new language has the resources available to attend classes and travel about.Practical concerns, such as eating and having a safe place to rest, do encro ach on even the most free-spirited learner.So, if you want language immersion and a profound cultural experience, all within the safety of a host family, HelpX might just be the site for you!This programme allows you to exchange a modicum of work for room and board  in a French household.By accepting placement in a French residence, you can practice your French, be you a beginner or more advanced, in a relaxed  and welcoming atmosphere.You won't sit in a classroom, and there are no French teachers â€" unless the family you stay with includes a qualified teacher.You would be permitted to stay in any one household for two weeks to two months; each host has different needs.You may garden or work with animals; perhaps even engage in light construction or work as an au pair but, through it all, you will be steeped in French culture and language learning by virtue of sharing a home.Perhaps the best part of this programme is the wide range of experiences you could be treated to!You may enj oy carpentry workshops in Nantes, followed by one on one English speaking sessions that you might tutor... all for free!If you like to travel light and don't mind relocating every few weeks, you could actually learn to speak French all over that beautiful country!And, after traveling everywhere â€" all while gaining proficiency in French, you will be ready to sit DELF in your preferred French city, find a flat and settle into your new French life.Doesn't that sound like a plan?However, if you can't see yourself settling in France yet, then you can always opt for a french course london.

Friday, March 6, 2020

What is Managing Up and 5 Reason Why Should You Care - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / What is “Managing Up” and 5 Reason Why Should You Care - Introvert Whisperer What is “Managing Up” and 5 Reason Why Should You Care Dorothy January 11, 2016 Career Development, Office Politics 2 responses As with many things that get discussed, we don’t always know or understand a topic except maybe at a cryptic level.  Managing Up is one of those concepts that you really want to fully grasp and act on.  Your career trajectory will be dependent on it. What is Managing Up? Managing up is the idea of taking responsibility for establishing a good working relationship with your boss.  The goal is to ensure mutual success.  It includes training your boss (if you want to call it that) about your job, you and how best to utilize you as a resource.  At the same time, you want to learn how to work most effectively with the boss taking into account such things as personality preferences and learning style. To a casual observer, or one that is not very “business mature” this could look like “sucking up” to the boss.  While not a very flattering moniker, you need to move past that notion. Good relationships will be THE most critical success factor in your career. The relationships you need to establish the need to include the boss. Why Should You Care? If you think about your career goals for a minute, it will include the idea of growth and promotions.  Rarely does a person go into a job hoping to be paid the same and to stay at the same level for the next 40 years.  Our goals include being promoted, even if you never fully considered that fact before now. Here are the powerful reasons why you should Manage Up: Visibility â€" If you want to go places professionally, you have to ensure management can easily know your contributions.  Never assume management knows what you have done. Managing up will ensure they know. Share-of-mind â€" When the all-important decisions are being made for promotions, if management knows you and what you do, you will be at the top of the list. Set the standard â€" When management has information about what and how you do things, it will be your way that will be how they measure other people.  That’s a great position to be in. Influence â€" Influence of anyone is accomplished by virtue of a good working relationship.  It means if you know important things like what’s important to your boss, what the hot buttons might be and deliver to them, you will have their attention. Support â€" You will move much faster if you have the support of your management.  It’s much easier to get that support when they know you’ve got their back.  It’s reciprocity at its finest.  You know and support their priorities and help them look good to their boss in return they will do the same for you. It’s OK for you to admit you have ambitions.  It’s not a dirty word.  Most of us do, whether or not it’s openly discussed.  You want to ensure Managing Up is a big part of your career toolkit from this point forward.  You’ll be amazed at how it can accelerate your career. Power-Influence-Office Politics: it comes down to your Strategic Relationships and understanding of how you build each one of these elements. I want to help you accelerate your career by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my video that outlines all of this and meaningful actions you can take today! Start watching now: CLICK HERE Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleash your professional potential.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

7 Benefits of Introverts at Work - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / 7 Benefits of Introverts at Work - Introvert Whisperer 7 Benefits of Introverts at Work Introverts can be characterized by being quiet (Cain, 2012), timid or even shy. Depending on some personal traits, they can be overlooked sometimes together with their contributions. On the other hand, Extroverts are known to get attention as compared to Introverts who get things or stuff done. Carl Jung, the psychologist brought about the difference between the two regarding energy gains. The major difference between the two regarding personalities is that extroverts are known to gain energy via interaction with other people whereas Introverts gain energy by time only or sometimes with friends or small groups. Below are some benefits of introverts at work: 1. They are great listeners This is said to be one of the core strengths of introverts. This is because they are more comfortable listening than just holding court in the process of a conversation. They also tend to think more about what one is saying which they use to influence their input. In the workplace, they are highly beneficial because they are creative and also easily absorb insight and knowledge which makes the progress in their careers or work given (Symanowitz, 2014). In most cases, they are very attentive to those in senior positions whereby they identify opportunities for growth in future. 2. Leaders can rely on them Good listening skills are part of the tools that help in building trust as well as respect in a workplace. Most of the introverts are given power since they can be trusted when it comes to instructions or orders being given that should guide a certain process or procedure. This trust and role-playing lead to further promotion in high positions within an organization. 3. They make thoughtful and open-minded Leaders There is a perception by many people, that introverts do not make good leaders, which is very untrue. Those with introverted personalities are known to, first of all, think well and outside the box during the process of developing strategies, making decisions, bringing innovative ideas or even during the recruitment of staff members at the workplace. 4. They are good at error correction Introverts are good when it comes to taking some considerable feedback in terms of work performance. They are also said to have a self-reflective mindset which makes them process the information quickly and then turn action steps that are vital for their own personal development. Such a mindset helps them to excel when performing some corrections on their own errors since they these mistakes are taken seriously once highlighted. They then get committed to reverse the errors openly since they consider mistakes to be inescapable elements of humankind. 5. Introverts make considered decisions   Whether one is a leader or not, there are chances that one day he or she make decisions during the professional life. Most people to criticize introverts due to the fact that they over-analyze decisions to those points where they paralysis their thoughts. The fact is that introverts have the capacity to provide due consideration on all aspects of a decision which can be of great benefit to businesses. Most people with this kind of personality believe that the processing done inner is vital when making a decision and that’s why they resist any suggestions from those who need a quick process (Stephens-Craig, 2015). 6. They are empathetic employees Generally, most of the introverts boast having a high level of self-awareness and are also very sensitive when it comes to the needs of those around. They are known to capitalize much on this by simply being themselves and also showing some considerations to teammates, colleagues, and employers. 7. They enjoy professional connections Due to the fact that we are all in the digital era whereby most professional networks are run single line introductions, it is understood that most of the introverts are looking for in depth as well as meaningful connections which drive genuine understanding. This tends to be beneficial for introverts in the workplace whereby some relationships based on trust and knowledge can stand out with large levels of collaboration. In conclusion, the above-explained are some of the known benefits of introverts at the workplace. Irrespective of the personality, one can be a good decision maker, i.e., whether an introvert or extrovert. Author Bio:   Bryan Dough is a Social Media Strategist based in Melbourne, Australia. Bryan has worked with few of the leading consumer brands to build and deliver their social media campaigns, one of which is While being passionate about discovering the latest tactics and strategies in social media, Bryan enjoys spending his spare time going for a hike in the Mornington Peninsula. A beautiful area off from Bayside in Melbourne. Sources:   The Value of Introverts in the Workplace: Why Employers Should Take Notice 8 Advantages of Introverts Go to top OFFICE POLITICS Power-Influence-Office Politics: it comes down to your Strategic Relationships and understanding of how you build each one of these elements. I want to help you accelerate your career by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my video that outlines all of this and meaningful actions you can take today!  Start watching now by clicking here! Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleashing your professional potential. Introvert Whisperer

What Should I Bring to My First Voice Lesson

What Should I Bring to My First Voice Lesson Suzy S. Excited about your first voice lesson? Beyond thinking about your goals for the lessons, youll also want to have an idea of what you need to bring. Get prepared with these tips for singing lessons from Austin, TX teacher Gfire M... I have been teaching my vocal technique, “Yoga for the Voice,” for over 18 years now, to students from ages 4-76 at all levels from beginning to advanced. And the one thing that almost all of my students bring to their first lesson is a mixture of fear and excitement! They are afraid that I will tell them that they can’t sing, yet they are excited about the process of learning to sing. So I thought I would address these issues and give you some encouraging answers! What should I bring with me? Bring a binder, blank paper, and a pen or pencil that you can use for lesson notes and handouts. Bring a bottle of room-temperature water so that you can stay well hydrated during the lesson for optimal vocal exercising. Bring an open mind singing and breathing exercises may seem a little weird at first! Write down any questions that you have for your teacher. If you have music you are already working on, bring that sheet music or CD with you. You can also email sheet music or music audio files to your teacher prior to the lesson. Will I really be able to sing? No worries the answer is always “Yes!” If you can speak, you can learn how to sing, because you are using the same exact instrument for speaking and singing. Obviously, singing uses more notes and technique, but you really can leave your worries behind and just focus on utilizing your unique vocal instrument. Does it matter what style(s) I want to learn? Absolutely not! Good singing technique is useful for singing pop, rock, RnB, musical theater, opera, country, folk, metal, gospel, singer/songwriter, etc. Again, you are just using your natural voice to express any musical style that appeals to you. I have taught musical theater singers how to wow at auditions, touring rock singers how to maintain their voices during grueling tours, “screamo” singers how to scream in tune, kid singers how to master an age-appropriate song, reality show applicants how to choose and deliver the best material to get onto American Idol or The Voice, church singers how to sing a solo confidently, and every other variety of singer under the rainbow. Do I have to practice outside of vocal classes? Well yes, if you want to be a great singer! The voice is an instrument, just like piano, guitar, or clarinet. To truly master the voice is a matter of practicing placing the notes without pushing them and that takes at least three short practices per week outside of voice lessons, even if it is only for 10-15 minutes. Okay, I am ready how do I start? If you really want to learn to sing well, make the commitment! This is one of the best tips for singing. Purchase one to three months of voice lessons and start thinking about where in your schedule you can place your minimum of three practices a week outside of your lessons. I like to get my students to make a list of 10 songs that they would LOVE to learn to sing that way you have goals that are fun and achievable. It is also really helpful if you have a piano or keyboard available for you to play your singing exercises on. I am happy to play your exercises for you, but if you learn to play the exercises and sing them, you really end up singing with more confidence and better technique. With these tips for singing lessons, you can get ready to start singing the songs you want to sing, expressing your own talents and creativity. You deserve to sing and yes, you can make it happen! Gfire teaches music theory, opera voice, piano,  singing, and songwriting in Austin, TX. She earned her Bachelor of Arts in Music from  University of Maryland, as well as her  Master of the Science of Singing from  Ernest George White Society. Learn more about Gfire here! Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher Photo  by  premasagar

Learn Hindi In India

Learn Hindi In India How To Learn Hindi In India ChaptersThe Benefits of Living in India10 Useful Hindi Phrases You Must KnowTake Hindi Lessons In IndiaIndia, home of the Taj Mahal and more than 1.3 million people. Should you decide that you want to spend some time living in India, like almost 32,000 other British expats, you will probably needle to learn at least some Hindi to facilitate your stay.India is on the rise as a retirement destination for many British Old Age Pensioners  and it is especially popular amongst children and grandchildren of Indian immigrants.About 1 million people, born in the UK from the first or second generation of Indian immigrants, have decided to apply for an Overseas Citizen of India card. This card allows the holder to retain their British nationality while being granted a lifelong full-right visa. It means that OCI card holders can work and stay in India as long as they wish.But let's not deviate from our business here: Hindi.Language is complicated in India. The country is a federal nation just li ke the US or Canada. It comprises 29 states and 7 territories. Although the Republic of India only recognises Hindi  written in the Devanagari script and English as official languages, each state has the right and power to legislate on their own official language and so they have.That is the reason why there are 22 officially  acknowledged  dialects in India. However, Hindi as the lingua franca is the most used of these languages. About 50% of the population speaks Hindi natively and many more learn Hindi as a second language.Hindi is the official language or one of the official languages of 12 states: Bihar,  Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Mizoram, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand and West Bengal.3 of the 7 Indian territories also recognise Hindi as one of their official languages, including  Andaman and Nicobar Islands,  Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Delhi.One of the interesting facts is that Hindi and Urdu (another state official la nguage ) are mutually intelligible. It means that even though both writing  systems are different, most of the spoken words are exactly the same. If you speak Hindi, you will speak Urdu too!Find Hindi classes London here.The Meenakshi Hindu Temple in the city of Madurai hosts a bazaar underneath it. The temple is a major pilgrimage destination within the Shaivism tradition, dedicated to Meenakshi Devi and Shiva. (by Prof Mortel)Animals roam free in the city of Mumbai like anywhere else in India. The goat is eating an ad written in Urdu in the Persian alphabet.Take Hindi Lessons In IndiaMastering a complicated language like Hindi can be tricky for the native English speaker. As part of the Indo Aryan group of language, Hindi was influenced by Persian, Arabic and Turkic elements.Leaning a new language always requires to study, that being said for English speaking people, it would be much easier to learn Italian than to learn Hindi.The best way to progress quickly and reach a conversat ional level of Hindi is to hire a private tutor. Rather than having you learn by heart the whole Hindi  dictionary, a private teacher will introduce to the language of India. Through your tutoring, you will learn the most common words along with Hindi number, increasing your Hindi vocabulary.It will probably take some time before you are perfectly fluent in Hindi but no one said that learning a language was easy.But you could use the English subtitles on Bollywood movies to make it fun!Hindi Lessons In MumbaiIf you are looking for a private tutor in Mumbai, have a look on UrbanPros. The website lists dozens of private tutors that can teach you everything from the rudiments of the Hindi language to Hindi word puns.Hindi Lessons In New DehliPallavi Singh has become one of the most famous Hindi teachers in the country. Her initiative aims to teach Hindi to foreigners to facilitate their stay and integration within the Indian society. She was a guest speaker at a TEDx event, and she was also the subject of a piece by the BBC.She recently moves to New Dehli but gets in touch with her and see if you can get lessons with her on Skype. Her students absolutely love her classes!

The Five Components of Beliefs that Influence Learning - Private Tutoring

The Five Components of Beliefs that Influence Learning BobbiM Apr 3, 2014 Read this and consider your own beliefs about learning. Many different kinda of beliefs affect your life everyday. People have different religious beliefs, moral beliefs, political beliefs, and so on. You may have thought a lot about those kinda of beliefs, but have you ever thought about your beliefs about learning? Have you ever considered how you gain knowledge or what knowledge is? If you are like most students, you probably havent thought much about where knowledge comes from, but your beliefs about knowledge do impact what and how you learn. Component 1: Certainty of Knowledge. Some students believe that knowledge is continually changing based on current information. When they are in class, they think about what they already know about the topic and may change their beliefs about the topic by adding new information to what they already know. These students approach learning by trying to find the truth in all situations. Professors tend to view their disciplines as constantly changing. Therefore, to memorize only facts would be a waste of time. Instead, most professors not only want you to be able to understand what is currently known, but also want to prepare you for future learning. Professors expect students to question what they read and be willing to live with the notion that there may not be a solution or definite answer to every problem or question. -Component 2: Simple Knowledge. Some students believe that knowledge consists of highly interconnected concepts, but other students believe that knowledge consists of a series of unrelated bits of information. Students who believe that knowledge is complex look for relationships between ideas as they learn. They try to see the big picture and the relationships among the small piece of information within that big picture. On the other hand, students who have a strong belief that knowledge is simple tend to break information down into very small isolated parts and never put it back together again. Although breaking information into smaller chunks is a great strategy for some tasks, for example when learning something you must memorize (like the periodic table of elements), a student who learns only isolated pieces of information will miss the big ideas. Because most of the assignments you will experience require you to apply what you have learned, you need to go beyond memorizing small bits of information and begin to see how the information is connected. -Component 3: Responsibility for Learning. Beliefs about knowledge also depend on your beliefs about who is responsible for your learning in college. Some students believe that it is the professors responsibility to be sure that all students learn the information. Other students believe that although the professor guides their learning, they are ultimately responsible for their own learning. In high school, your teacher probably took a lot of the responsibility for your learning in class. You most likely had little choice in the subjects you studied or learned or the way you were assessed. College professors expect students to take responsibility for a good deal of their own learning. They expect students to be able to figure out information on their own, and they also may expect students to be able to pull together information from a variety of sources. Component 4: Speed of Learning. Some students believe that learning is a gradual and on-going process, but other students believe that is learning is going to happen, it happens quickly or not at all. In other words, some people believe that most things worth knowing take a long time to learn, but other people think that is they dont get it right away, they never will. Students who believe that learning takes time are better prepared for college tasks. However, students who believe that learning should happen quickly are often frustrated in college when they are faced with complex information. -Component 5: The Role of Ability. Some students believe that people can learn how to learn, but others believe that the ability to learn is fixed and that they are naturally good at some things but will never be able to do other things. Students who believe that people can learn how to learn tend to view difficult tasks as challenges that can be met. Instead if giving up, these students will try different strategies for learning and will ask for help from the professor or their friends if they need it. There are probably people in your classes who make learning look easy, but students who appear to learn naturally probably spend time and effort in activities that promote academic success, such as reading and reflecting. What do you believe?? Are there any beliefs you feel you need to change to better succeed? The next article will help with that. Excerpt from  College Success Strategies  by Sherrie L. Nist and Jodi Patrick Holschuh.